Thrive Agriculture and Nutrition exists to change the status quo

We bring professional advice based on two decades of delivery excellence.

Jolene Dawson

Founder & Director

Why do we exist?

Thrive Agriculture and Nutrition exists to change the status quo.

We are a global consultancy that works with the business and development sectors to make agriculture a more sustainable industry. We contribute to ensuring that every person has equal access to readily available, affordable and nutritious food, and that those working to grow our food and textiles are capacitated, fairly remunerated and empowered for success.

Why Choose Us?

We are trust-led and data-driven.

We bring together over 20 years of hands-on experience from both the business and development sectors across the retail, agriculture, science, telecommunications and finance industries.

This unique skill-set brings new perspectives to solving systemic and specific issues, effectively. We are trust led and data driven. We believe in the power of the individual contributing to the larger collective. We are able to leverage our own expertise across the developing world and bring on board our exceptional partners.

Our Network of Partners Include

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agriculture & nutrition

We Are Change Catalysts

Taking Your Organisation To New Heights

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What Do We Do?

We believe agriculture is ripe for reinvention to more sustainable ways.

We are a management consulting firm that specializes in strategy consulting, impact advisory and implementation support in the agriculture sector, where

  1. Strategic consulting helps you to plan for and enable leading strategies in growth, revenue diversification, market-entry, nutrition, sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
  2. Impact advisory helps you to ensure you measure, monitor, evaluate and report your direct and indirect impacts efficiently and effectively, enabling better organisational decisions.
  3. Implementation support helps you at a programmatic and operational level to successfully implement strategies and operating models and to productively capacitate your teams, processes and technology to deliver with agility and resilience.

These services are offered in five key areas

Multi-stakeholder partnerships

Value chain assessments

Nutrition-sensitive programme

Farmer development services

Climate change adaption

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